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our staff


Very Rev. Msgr. Robert J. Siffrin

Rector, Saint Columba Cathedral


Monsignor Robert Siffrin was born and raised in Massillon, Ohio; he attended and graduated from Central High School in 1971.  He attended St. Gregory College Seminary in Cincinnati, Ohio.  There he majored in Philosophy and received a BA in Liberal Arts in 1975.

Graduate studies at Mt. St. Mary Seminary began in 1975.  He received an MA in Sacred Scripture Studies.  During the years of Theology, he tutored and taught part-time at St. Rita School for the Deaf.  He was ordained a priest on June 23, 1979, in Youngstown, by Bishop James W. Malone.  His first assignment was at Ursuline High School.  He was then appointed associate principal at John F. Kennedy High School in Warren.  For many years he has served as chaplain for the hearing impaired.

He served the Diocese of Youngstown in a number of capacities: as the Director of Planning for the Diocese of Youngstown, and then Chancellor/Vicar for Clergy.  In 1996, Bishop Tobin appointed him to his present position of Vicar General/Moderator of the Curia.  He is also pastor of St. Edward Church on the Northside. 

He is also involved in numerous Church and civic organizations: a past president of Youngstown Rotary served on the Youngstown Symphony Board and is one of the Youngstown Police Chaplains.


Fr. Edward Brienz


Fr. Brienz also serves as:​

  • Parochial Vicar, Holy Apostles Parish (Youngstown)

  • Diocesan Director of Propagation of the Faith and Missions


Fr. Francis Muriithi
Associate Pastor
Fr. Francis is a diocesan priest from the Catholic Diocese of Nakuru, Kenya. He arrived in the Diocese of Youngstown at the end of September of 2024 and will be serving in our diocese over the next five years. 

From 1989-1990, Father attended St. Augustine's Senior Seminary in Mabanga, Kenya and Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome and received a Bachelor of Philosophy degree. He then studied at St. Matthias Mulumba Senior Seminary in Tindinyo, Kenya where he received his Bachelor of Sacred Theology in 1994. He was ordained a priest on December 9, 1995. From January 2012-May 2014, he attended Christian Brothers University in Memphis, TN and received a Masters of Science degree in Educational Leadership with a minor in Instructional Leadership. 

His assignments in his home diocese of Nakuru have included Vice Rector of the Junior Seminary High School, parish priest in 4 parishes, assistant priest in 4 parishes, Assistant Cathedral Administrator, Visiting Spiritual Director at St. Mary's Major Seminary, Pastoral Coordinator at the Chancery, and Chaplain to the Diocesan Family Life Program. He has also been involved in ecumenical fellowship, prison apostolate, hospital visitation, and celebration of Mass for the sick. 

Fr. Francis has also traveled to the United States in 2000, 2003, 2009, and 2023 to preach for mission appeals for his diocese. He brought the message of the needs of AIDS orphans, physically and mentally challenged children in the diocesan Small Homes, and hunger-stricken persons in the East Pokot region of the Diocese of Nakuru to people in the Diocese of Syracuse, NY. He says this experience also gave him the joy and opportunity of learning about the rich culture of the American people. 

Fr. Francis currently serves as parochial vicar for St. Edward as well as St. Columba Cathedral and Holy Apostles Parish.


Mr.  Sylvester Frazzini

Permanent Deacon

Deacon Sylvester Frazzini and his wife Colleen, whom he married on January 10, 1991 at St. Edward, live in Hubbard, OH.  They have 2 daughters, both of whom are married, and a have a total of 3 grandsons. Deacon Syl is a veteran of the United States Marines and serves the company he works for, American Business Center, Inc., as the VP of Sales. He was adopted and raised in a Catholic family, going to Catholic school his entire life, from pre-School at the Oblates, St. Patrick School in Hubbard, and graduating from Youngstown Ursuline High School. 
He was ordained with the most recent Diocese of Youngstown Deacon Formation on August 31st, 2019.  He serves on the Board of Regional Catholic Charities, as one of the MCs for the Bishop,  and on the A.C.T.I.O.N board in Youngstown.  He enjoys playing the guitar and participated in the music ministry of his home parish of St. Patrick, Hubbard. He says it was one of the many paths that led him to seek and become a Deacon. He enjoys all things outdoors. He also serves the local community as a Board Member for Leadership Mahoning Valley and an Ambassador for the Youngstown Warren Regional Chamber. 


Mr.  William Bancroft

Permanent Deacon

Deacon William Bancroft was ordained in 2019. He retired from the Ohio State Highway Patrol after serving 29 years in assignments as a pilot, plainclothes investigator, assistant post commander, and executive protection details. He is married to Debbie Bancroft and they have four daughters and live in Hubbard, OH. 

Deacon Bill also serves as Permanent Diaconate Director as well as Director of Safety Services for the Diocese of Youngstown.


Sr. Regina Rogers, OSU

Pastoral Associate

Sr. Regina joined the St. Edward Parish staff in 2018 as Pastoral Associate. She is a member of the Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown and serves as a Councilor on their Leadership Team. She worked for many years in educational roles in the Diocese of Youngstown Catholic schools, including as a teacher and assistant principal at Ursuline High School.


Sr. Martha Reed
Director of Religious Education

Sr. Martha is an Ursuline Sister serving at the Cathedral of Saint Columba as Pastoral Minister/Director of Religious Education. She has been an active member of the parish since 1999. After teaching special education for 27 years, Sister Martha joined the staff here at the Cathedral in September 2017.
Besides providing outreach to the poor and the homebound, Sr. Martha coordinates the altar servers, ushers, children’s liturgy of the word leaders, and catechist for religious education classes. Sister Martha also prepares youth and families for the reception of the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation.


Karen Thomas
Parish Secretary

Born and raised on the Northside of Youngstown, Karen (Kobus) Thomas is practically a lifelong member of St. Edward Church minus a few years that her children attended St. Matthias School on the Southside of Youngstown.  She is a graduate of Ursuline High School and continued her education graduating from ETI Technical College as a Medical Assistant.  

Karen has 35 years of experience in a clerical position and is currently the Office Manager/Secretary for Saint Columba Cathedral Parish.  Karen has been married for 33 years to her husband, Anthony Thomas.  They have 3 grown children, 2 of which are also members of St. Edward Church and the youngest living in Columbus, OH.


Ralph Holtzhauser

Music Director

As Cathedral Musician, Mr. Holtzhauser will serve as the principal musician, organist, and choir director for cathedral and diocesan liturgies. Additionally, in an expansion of the position, Mr. Holtzhauser will serve as Diocesan Director of Music, providing guidance and support for liturgical music throughout the diocese. This includes formation and training programs for parish musicians, assistance to pastors in recruitment and hiring of musicians, and acting as a resource for pastors and parish musicians on issues related to liturgical music and the development of parish music programs. The Diocesan Director of Music serves within the Office of Worship and as an ex officio member of the Diocesan Liturgical Commission and as a member of the music subcommittee.

Ralph Holtzhauser grew up in Rocky River, Ohio, and has been a liturgical musician from a young age. Having started playing the piano at the age of two, Holtzhauser was accompanying the entire Mass on organ beginning in the second grade and had served three parishes by the end of high school. Mr. Holzhauser is a 2016 graduate of Baldwin Wallace University, with majors in organ performance and composition, and is currently completing his master’s degree in organ performance at the Cleveland Institute of Music. Holtzhauser has served as a liturgical musician for 21 years at parishes in the Diocese of Cleveland, most recently as Director of Music at St. Joan of Arc Parish in Chagrin Falls. His parish music ministry has included service as a music teacher in Catholic schools, with success in growing choir participation and in facilitating his choir’s participation in outside events, award competitions, and The Christmas Carol at Cleveland’s Playhouse Square. Since 2020, Mr. Holtzhauser has served on the Board of the Cleveland Chapter of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians, as Parochial School Liaison.

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