councilS & committees
pastoral council
The Pastoral Council is a consultative body working closely with the Rector to effect and implement decisions and recommendations of parish ministerial policy and activities.
Finance council
Finance Council is an advisory group to the Rector.
The purpose of this committee is to address the Catholic educational mission of the Parish community: adults, young persons and children.
Contact: Sr. Martha Reed
Phone: 330-744-5233
family enrichment
The purpose of this committee is to inform the parishioners of the activities within the Parish and Parish Pastoral Council. This committee is to encourage as many parishioners as possible to join Parish organizations and committees so that as active participants, all Parishioners grow spiritually and socially.
Contact: Karen Thomas
Phone: 330-744-5233
liturgy and spiritual life
Liturgy and Spiritual Life –the purpose of this committee is to continually plan, over see, and evaluate rites of worship in the parish and assist fostering its spiritual life and growth.
Contact: Karen Thomas
Phone: 330-744-5233
social outreach
The purpose of this committee is to perform the corporal works of mercy.
Contact: Sr. Martha Reed
Phone: 330-744-5233